Teaching Faculty

The academic excellence of the Barcelona School of Economics rests on the talent, enthusiasm, and drive of our teaching and research faculty. A community of BSE Affiliated Professors working on Economics, Finance, Data Science, and related areas is drawn from four top-flight academic units, offering students the possibility for regular, direct contact with leading instructors in their field.

BSE professors are very approachable and happy to share and discuss ideas with students. Many of our Affiliated Professors have been part of the School since its foundation and have extensive experience teaching in our Master's programs.

In addition to this established academic community, top academics and practitioners from around the world are also invited to teach in the Master's programs as guest professors.

BSE Affiliated Professors

  • 152 Affiliated Professors
  • 27 nationalities (53% from outside Spain)
  • 100% hold a PhD (80% from outside Spain)

Guest Professors

Academics and industry practitioners who are invited to teach in the Master's programs. They bring the right combination of scholarship, practical experience, and outside perspective to the classroom.

About BSE Affiliated Professors

BSE Affiliated Professors are all tenured or tenure-track faculty members from one of our academic units: 

From outside Spain, the universities with the most PhDs among affiliated professors are:

  • European University Institute (7)
  • Harvard University (7)
  • University of Pennsylvania (7)
  • University of Minnesota (6)
  • London School of Economics (5)
  • Northwestern University (5)

BSE Affiliated Professors are also members of prominent societies, organizations, and networks, including:

Besides their teaching role at BSE, our Master's professors are also published in leading Economics publications and renowned journals in different discipline subfields, and serve as co-editors and associate editors for many of these journals. 

Many BSE Affiliated Professors have received public recognition for both the volume and quality of their research. They are also highly sought after as consultants and advisors for governments, international organizations, financial institutions, and corporations.

Master's program faculty

Select a Master's program to view the list of BSE Affiliated Professors and guest professors on the faculty:

PhD program faculty

Select a PhD program to view the list of BSE Affiliated Professors on the faculty:

Working Papers


Carlo Altavilla, Matthieu Bussière, Jordi Galí, Yuriy Gorodnichenko , Refet Gürkaynak and Hélène Rey

A research program on monetary policy for Europe

Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol.147, October 2024, 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2024.103673
Open Access       Milena Djourelova, Ruben Durante and Gregory J Martin

The Impact of Online Competition on Local Newspapers: Evidence from the Introduction of Craigslist

Review of Economic Studies, 1-35, May 2024, 10.1093/restud/rdae049
Open Access
Open Access       Jan Eeckhout and Alireza Sepahsalari

The Effect of Wealth on Worker Productivity

Review of Economic Studies, Vol.91, No 3, 1584–1633, May 2024, 10.1093/restud/rdad059
Open Access