The BSE transparency portal provides access to relevant information on institutional activities and how the institution is run to the community and general public, reflecting our commitment to accountability and integrity.
The world economy is in a state of constant evolution. Classical models are being questioned, and we face problems that require new approaches. In such a situation, in a society that is urgently seeking solutions, solid economic knowledge and research are crucial. The world requires people with a well-rounded education that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, global outlook, and cultural awareness.
Barcelona School of Economics (BSE) aims to promote the creation and transmission of frontier knowledge in Economics and related disciplines, by consolidating Barcelona as a world-class center of research, academic education, and professional training with the ultimate goals of informing policy and promoting economic and social wellbeing.
The following, are the four strategic perspectives and 10 goals of our strategic plan, which we aim at accomplishing in the period to August 2026, getting us closer to the fulfillment of our mission.
We will work on:
Examples of how we will do this:
We will work on:
Examples of how we will do this:
We will work on:
Examples of how we will do this:
We will work on:
Examples of how we will do this:
BSE’s governing bodies are the following: Board of Trustees, Scientific Council, Academic Council, Units Committee, Academic Programs Committee, and Research Committee.
The Equality Plan consolidates BSE’s commitment to equal opportunities for women and men and to intersectional gender equality. It outlines concrete actions to achieve the strategic objectives of the plan.
BSE Equality Agent: Eva Pujol, +34 93 542 12 32,
BSE has a zero-tolerance policy for any behavior that violates the freedom, dignity, physical and/or psychological integrity of employees and anyone associated with BSE and is committed to a comprehensive approach.
BSE has approved this protocol to prevent, identify and act in situations of sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and harassment or violence against LGBTI individuals; to ensure a safe and respectful work environment for everyone.
The persons of reference for this Protocol are:
BSE General Manager: Marsel Meeuwsen, +34 638 333 775,
BSE Administrative Officer: Eva Pujol, +34 93 542 12 32,
The Open, Transparent, and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) Policy is built on the Charter & Code principles which, through policies and practices, aims at making research careers more attractive, while facilitating mobility and equal opportunities for all candidates.
Diversity Committee
The Diversity Committee is composed of researchers from BSE’s academic units who provide guidance on gender and diversity aspects of the BSE community.