Meeting of the BSE Board of Trustees, November 2023
Meeting of the BSE Board of Trustees, November 2023
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall direction of the school, guiding and drawing up rules for governance. It adopts the budget and appoints an Honorary President and a Chair, who serve as Trustees, and further names the Director and the Academic Committee.
The Board is made up of representatives of the founding academic institutions (UPF, UAB, CREI, and CSIC), private institutions (AXA Research Fund, Banc Sabadell, and the FemCAT Foundation), public institutions (the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Catalan Government, and the Barcelona City Council), and several distinguished academics in the field of Economics.
Joaquín Almunia
Honorary President of the Board
Paulina Beato
Chair of the BSE
Laia de Nadal
Rector, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Javier Lafuente
Rector, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Eloísa del Pino
President, Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
Joaquim Nadal
President, Center for Research in International Economics (CREI)
Josep Alfonso Caro
Director of Communications, AXA Seguros España
Josep Oliu
President, Banc Sabadell
Oriol Pinya
Founding Member, FemCAT Foundation
Josep M. Aguirre
General Secretary, Minister of Economy and Finance, Government of Catalonia
Laia Bonet
Third Deputy Mayor, Barcelona City Council
Salvador Barberà
Professor Emeritus, UAB and BSE
M. Paz Espinosa
Professor, EHU/UPV
Andreu Mas-Colell
Professor Emeritus, UPF and BSE
Juan Rubio-Ramirez
Professor, Emory University
Roberto Serrano
Professor, Brown University
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