Full professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
PhD in Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Political Economy
Public Economics
Labor market institutions and pensions
Ph.D. in Economics from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (with Honors), Full professor (Catedratico) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Deputy Director of Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (FEDEA). He is also, Member of the “Spanish Advisory Council on Economic Affairs” and Member of the Board of the “Spanish Economic and Social Council” (Consejo Económico y Social-CES).
He has worked in the Prime Minister´s Economic Bureau as a General Director for Economic Policy (2008-2010). He has also worked as External Consultant at the World Bank. He has been a member of the expert group appointed by the Ministry of Labor to design the Pension Sustainability Factor and he is one of the expert members of the Santalucia Institute of Pensions.
He has participated in research projects at the European University Institute (Florence), at the Bocconi University (Milan) and at the University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). His research interests are Political Economy, Public Economics (labor market institutions and pensions) and Macroeconomics. He has also participated in numerous research projects, seminars and conferences. He has also published scientific articles in academic journals of international standing such us Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic European Association, Journal of Public Economics, Economic Theory, The Economic Journal and Review of Economic Dynamics. He is co-editor and author of a blog of the Spanish Economy (www.nadaesgratis.es).
He has published a book about the future of the pension system in Spain: “¿Qué será de mi pensión?” (Península (Planeta)).