PhD, UPC and Université libre de Bruxelles
Petar Jovanovic obtained his PhD from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in 2016. He is a tenure-track lecturer and a member of the DTIM research group at UPC. His research areas are Business Intelligence and Big Data, with special focus on big data management and data flow processing and optimization.
He has published articles in peer reviewed international journals (such as TKDE, Information Systems, Fundamenta Informaticae), and conferences (such as ICDE, SIGMOD, EDBT, ADBIS, ER). He currently serves as committee member of several international conferences and journals.
Petar has also participated in research projects with organizations such as WHO, HP Labs Palo Alto and in several H2020/Horizon Europe projects. He coordinates and teaches various BSc and MSc courses on databases and big data management.