Competitive funding such as ERC Grants support some of the most ambitious, creative projects led by researchers at the Barcelona School of Economics.
European Research Council (ERC) Grants have become indicators of world-class research across all academic disciplines.
Project proposals are evaluated by international peer reviewers, and scientific excellence is the sole criterion for selection.
The most recently awarded grants are listed first:
“Econometrics for Macroeconomic Policy Evaluation”
ERC Starting Grant (2021)
“Colonization, Early Institutions and the Origin of State Capacity and Democratization”
ERC Advanced Grant (2021)
“Foundations for Antitrust and Policy on Digital Plaftorms”
ERC Consolidator Grant (2021)
“Understanding the Energy Transition with a Machine Learning Toolbox”
ERC Consolidator Grant (2020)
“Information, Markets and the Macroeconomy”
ERC Starting Grant (2020)
“Asset Prices and Macro Policy when Agents Learn and are Heterogeneous”
“The Rise and Fall of Populism and Extremism”
ERC Starting Grant (2018)
“Market Power and Secular Macroeconomic Trends”
ERC Advanced Grant (2019)
“International Capital Flows and Emerging Markets”
ERC Starting Grant (2010)
“Heterogeneity, Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuations”
“Economic Fluctuations, Productivity Growth and Stabilization Policies: A Keynesian Growth Perspective”
ERC Starting Grant (2019)
“The Causal Effect of Public Policy and Income on Child Health and Human Capital”
ERC Consolidator Grant (2017)
In addition to ERC Grants, researchers at BSE have successfully obtained funding in other competitive calls such as:
Recipients in the past 3 years include:
“New Tools to Estimate the Demand and Supply of Video Content: Heterogeneous Consumers, Gender, and Social Media Effects”
BBVA Foundation Leonard Grant (2024)
“Investigating the Implications of the Demand for Housing for Welfare Inequality”
“The Universal Basic Wage: Individual and Aggregate Effects of Public Policy Experiment”
News about all grants and awards
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