

12th BSE Economics "Trobada"


The full-day academic meeting of BSE affiliated professors featured presentations by new members and a roundtable on Experimental Economics with experts in the School’s research community.

The 12th edition of the BSE Economics “Trobada” took place on October 31, 2014 at CCCB. The Economics “Trobada” is one of the BSE research initiatives supported by the Severo Ochoa Research Excellence Accreditation. The Trobada is an opportunity for researchers from all four of the BSE’s academic units to meet and share updates on their work, to welcome new members of the community, and to debate the latest issues in economic science.

New BSE Affiliated Professors, post-docs and visitors

Four new BSE Affiliated Professors have joined the School this year:


Vladimir Asriyan (CREI, UPF and BSE)
PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Research interests: Macroeconomic Theory, Financial Economics, International Economics


Javier Fernández-Blanco (UAB and BSE)
PhD, University of Minnesota
Research interests: Macroeconomics and Labor Economics


Geert Mesters (UPF and BSE)
PhD, University of Amsterdam
Research interests: Time Series Econometrics, Applied Microeconometrics, Applied Macroeconomics


Vaiva Petrikaite (IAE and BSE)
PhD, University of Gröningen
Research interests: Competition Economics

New post-doctoral fellows and visiting researchers also joined the BSE community.

Roundtable on Experimental Economics: What have we learned?

This year’s Trobada roundtable focused on the past, present, and future of Experimental Economics. Participants were:

Video: Roundtable Recap


Each of the participants brought a unique perspective to the debate. Comments ranged from the treatment of data, to the relationship between lab and theory, to ethical concerns and experiment design.

Papers presented at this year's Trobada

  • Vladimir Asriyan (CREI-UPF and BSE), “A Theory of Balance Sheet Recessions with Informational and Trading Frictions”
  • Angela Fiedler (UAB and BSE), “Increasing Residual US Wage Inequality Revisited: the Quantitative Importance of Minimum Wage Spillovers”
  • Geert Mesters (UPF and BSE), “Childhood Skills, Signals and Dynamic Contagion in Socioeconomic Adult Outcomes for Disadvantaged Youths”
  • Vaiva Petrikaite (IAE and BSE), “Product Returning Cost”

More from the Economics "Trobada"

Full program of speakers and papers [pdf]

All roundtable videos