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A reference institution in research

The Barcelona School of Economics is a pioneering initiative that brings together four academic units with established international reputations and a history of leadership in the field of Economics:

The joint efforts of our academic units have positioned the BSE among the world's top research groups. Evidence of our research community's strength includes competitive research rankings (RePEc), three consecutive Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditations (2012-2015; 2016-2019; 2020-23), and the consolidation of the BSE Summer Forum as the premier annual conference in Europe for top researchers.

Research Endowment and BSE Research Professors

The BSE Research Endowment exists to contribute to the attraction and retention of top academic talent of the academic units and increase the BSE's critical mass of researchers. To that end, the endowment is dedicated exclusively to supporting the appointment of BSE Research Professors.

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