How to keep up wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic
How to keep up wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic
World Wellbeing Panel Survey | April 2020
by Tony Beatton (University of Queensland), Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell (IAE-CSIC and BSE), Paul Frijters (LSE), Arthur Grimes (Victoria University of Wellington), and Eugenio Proto (University of Glasgow, CEPR, IZA, CesIfo)
For half a decade the World Wellbeing Panel (WWP) has promoted wellbeing as the ultimate purpose of all major decision makers, particularly government. In mid April 2020, while locked in our homes in fear of contracting COVID-19, the World Wellbeing Panel experts were asked: “How to maintain well-being during isolation while facing huge emotional stress from the threat of the COVID-19 virus”. Their responses give us a global view of how to cope in these difficult times because they come from economists, psychologists and sociologists from around the world: Australia; Germany; Italy; Luxembourg; Netherlands; New Zealand; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom, and; the USA. Of course, all these views come from the ‘Western’ developed world; it would be insightful to understand if views differ for people living in other cultures.
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