External Validity, Generalizability and Replicability of Economic Experiments

In the last decades, behavioral and experimental economics have been very successful in showing how economic processes and outcomes are significantly shaped by different aspects of human behavior. These fields, however, are still mostly based on findings from experiments conducted in abstract laboratory environments or with convenience samples of subjects, and there is growing concern about their external validity and generalizability to real-world contexts. At the same time, there has been a wide-ranging replication crisis that represents a serious threat to all experimental sciences, with some studies estimating the replicability of published research at less than 50%.

The BSE Summer Forum Workshop on External Validity, Generalizability and Replicability of Economic Experiments accepts high-quality papers related in any way to these topics.

Workshop organizers

Past editions

Speakers appear in the order in which they presented during the workshop.

2023 Edition
2021 Edition
2019 Edition
2018 Edition