

Victoria Vanasco (CREI, UPF and BSE) has been awarded the Banque de France – Toulouse School of Economics Junior Prize in Monetary Economics and Finance. The prize is awarded every two years to junior and senior university researchers who develop fundamental concepts that contribute to the understanding of monetary economics, finance and bank supervision. The awards highlight research that improves the way in which central banks operate.

The prize ceremony took place on March 14, 2019 at Banque de France in Paris. François Villeroy de Galhau, Governor of Banque de France, Jean Tirole, Honorary President of the Toulouse School of Economics and Denis Beau, Deputy Governor of Banque de France presided over the event. Professor Vanasco is the Junior Prize recipient for Europe, while the recipient for the US is Yuriy Gorodnichenko (University of California, Berkeley) and the Senior Prize recipient is Michael Woodford (Columbia University).

We're happy to announce with the @banquedefrance the laureates of the Prize in Monetary Economics & Finance.

Congratulations to Michael Woodford (@Columbia), Victoria Vanasco (@CREIResearch) et Yuriy Gorodnichenko (@UCBerkeley).

▶️More information: https://t.co/RbMKrYr8q7 pic.twitter.com/TzatkrOUa6

— TSE (@TSEinfo) March 14, 2019

At the ceremony, Professor Vanasco presented her paper "The good, the bad, and the complex: product design with imperfect information" (with Vladimir Asriyan and Dana Foarta).

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