
BSE hosts EWMES 2017

This December, the BSE hosted the 2017 European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society at Casa Convalescència (UAB). 

For more than fifty years, the European Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society (EWMES) have fostered interaction among a small group of young scholars and a group of senior academics representing different regions and fields of specialization. Many of today’s leading European economists kick-started their careers at one of these meetings.

This year's plenary speakers were Ran Spiegler (UCL and Tel Aviv) and Hans-Joachim Voth (Zurich). The program chair was Mark Armstrong (Oxford). The Chair of the Local Organizing Committee was Julian di Giovanni (ICREA-UPF, BSE and CREI)

About EWMES 2017

See the full EWMES 2017 program on Conference Maker

Photo Album on Flickr

Econometric Society

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