PhD, Rice University and MD Anderson Cancer Center
Program Director
Data Science Methodology ProgramDavid Rossell is Ramón y Cajal Fellow at UPF and BSE Affiliated Professor. He is the director of the BSE Data Science Center and the Master’s in Data Science Methodology.
Professor Rossell’s previous appointments include the Biostatistics Department at MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, USA), IRB Barcelona (Spain) as head of Biostatistics & Biostatistics Unit and the Department of Statistics at the University of Warwick as Assistant/Associate professor.
His work combines methodological research, such as theory, computation and the development of modelling techniques, and a substantial amount of inter-disciplinary work in biomedicine, chemistry and the social sciences. Specific research interests include high-dimensional inference, experimental design, dimensionality reduction and applied statistical modelling, with emphasis on the Bayesian approach.
He authored over 35 peer-reviewed publications and has developed a number of R packages implementing statistical methodology. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Warwick, the Oxford-Warwick OxWaSP PhD program for Big Data and at UPF, shorter courses workshops at various universities, and >70 invited talks at international conferences and workshops.
He is currently Associate Editor of Bayesian Analysis.