
Portrait of the nominees

BSE Master's in Economics alumnae Ana Costa-Ramón and Ana Rodríguez-González have been nominated for the "Vanguardia de la Ciencia" awards promoted by La Vanguardia newspaper and Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation. They earned their nomination for their paper, It's about time: Cesarean sections and neonatal health (with M. Serra-Burriel and C. Campillo-Artero), published in the Journal of Health Economics in May 2018.

A summary of the paper was also featured last year in the BSE Voice, our student and alumni blog.

The past four editions of the Vanguard of Science awards have included nominations for research by BSE Affiliated Professors. This is the first edition to include work by alumni of the BSE Master's programs. Both Costa-Ramón and Rodríguez-González graduated in the BSE Class of 2014 and are now PhD candidates in GPEFM (UPF and BSE).

photo credit: Xavier Cervera / La Vanguardia

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