

Board appoints new BSE Research Professors

Portraits of the new Research Professors

Research Professorships are funded by the BSE research endowment to increase the critical mass of top scientists in its academic community.

Professors Flip Klijn (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and Inés Macho-Stadler (UAB and BSE) have been named Research Professor by the Barcelona School of Economics Board of Trustees. Professor Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC and BSE) has been named Associate Research Professor.

The distinction of BSE Research Professor is a joint appointment between the BSE and one of its academic units. The appointments began in 2009 to increase the critical mass of top scientists at the BSE.

Research Professorships are funded by the BSE research endowment, which is dedicated exclusively to supporting these appointments. With the new appointments, there are now 23 BSE Research Professors, five Associate Research Professors, and four Emeritus Research Professors.

About the new BSE Research Professors


facultyFlip Klijn

PhD, Tilburg University


Research Interests:
Matching Theory, Market Design, Game Theory, Operations Research, Social Choice Theory

A selection of research by Flip Klijn:

Involvement in BSE academic community:

  • Organizes Barcelona JOCS Game Theory Seminar Series
  • Taught Game Theory in BSE Master's Programs

facultyInés Macho-Stadler

PhD, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales


Research Interests:
Economics of Information, Economics of Science and Innovation, Applied Game Theory

A selection of research by Inés Macho-Stadler:

Involvement in BSE academic community:


facultyHannes Mueller

PhD, London School of Economics


Research Interests:
Political Economy, Development Economics, Conflict Studies

A selection of research by Hannes Mueller:

Involvement in BSE academic community:

See all BSE Research Professors