
Marc de la Barrera at MIT this winter

BSE Master's alum Marc de la Barrera (Economics '17) has been awarded a scholarship from "la Caixa" Foundation to support his PhD studies in the United States. He was accepted to the doctoral programs at MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Chicago, Columbia, and NYU, and after visiting the universities, he has chosen MIT, where he will start in September 2018.

Marc graduated from the BSE Master's Program in Economics in 2017 and then entered the Master's in Research at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, part of GPEFM (UPF and BSE). He is looking forward to spending the next few years in the US, and in the long term, returning to Barcelona, where UPF, BSE and CREI offer an excellent research environment and quality of life, especially for profiles interested in macroeconomics like him.

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