

Over 800 researchers participate in BSE Summer Forum 2024

Researchers in summer attire

The 11th edition of the Barcelona School of Economics Summer Forum took place from June 5-26, 2024. More than 800 researchers participated in this year's BSE Summer Forum workshops, which covered 33 topics in Economics and related fields.

A sampling of words from Summer Forum 2024 workshop titles
word cloud

The venue for the BSE Summer Forum 2024 workshops was UAB Casa Convalescència, which is part of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, one of BSE's founding universities. One workshop was conducted online.

Moments from Casa Convalescència

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It just keeps getting better

Workshop organizers had some tough decisions to make when selecting from the 2,296 papers submitted to this edition of the BSE Summer Forum. 

Victoria Vanasco (CREI and BSE) co-organized of two Summer Forum workshops this year. "We received so many fascinating, high-quality papers from both women and men who are doing cutting-edge work on these topics. I've been participating in the Summer Forum for over six years now, and the level of presentations, discussions and interactions just keeps getting better and better!"

Vibrant, valuable interactions

Interaction with colleagues was one of the aspects of the BSE Summer Forum that participants said they valued the most.

“There’s a really strong overlap of conversation by bringing together people who are focused on a very narrow range of topics… There’s a real opportunity to learn from people from their varying perspectives,” said David Comerford, a Professor of Economics at the University of Stirling.

Hubert Massoni, a PhD student at the University of Bologna shared a similar sentiment. “I'm still a PhD student, so for me it was amazing to discuss with the more senior people. I benefited greatly from their feedback, not only on my projects but on the future of the fields,” said Massoni.

These conversations foster a community between the economists that runs further than solely discussing research. Adrián Mérida, a professor at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), expressed how the Barcelona School of Economics Summer Forum helped him improve and discuss different parts of his research, but also connect and relate with the other researchers.

“You benefit a lot from presenting, discussing, and engaging with the other professors… This makes the energy very vibrant! People are having a fun time. It’s not just about research but interacting with the other participants,” said Mérida.

​Join us in 2025!

The next edition of the BSE Summer Forum will take place from July 5-20, 2025 at Casa Convalescència. Specific workshop dates will be announced later this year.

To be informed about the workshops and call for papers for the 2025 edition, please subscribe to BSE Research email alerts.

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The Summer Forum is one of the Barcelona School of Economics research initiatives supported by the Severo Ochoa Research Excellence Program (CEX2019-000915-S) through Spain's State Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación - AEI).