
portraits of job market candidates

Congratulations to all the new Doctors of Philosophy in the Barcelona School of Economics research community on their great results in the 2023 job market!

Jacek Barszczewski (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
OECD - Health Division

Laurenz Baertsch (UPF and BSE)
OECD - Employment, Labor and Social Affairs Division

Pau Belda i Tortosa (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
US Federal Reserve - Research and Statistics Department

Mridula Duggal (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
University of Glasgow - Postdoc

Jairo Flores (UPF and BSE)
Central Reserve Bank of Peru

Skander Garchi (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
Morgan Stanley

Malachy Gavan (UPF and BSE)
University of Liverpool

Shangdi Hou (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
Liaoning University

Akhil Ilhango (UPF and BSE)
Indian Institute of Management-Bangalore

Dijun Liu (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics

Jordi Llorens (UPF and BSE)
University of Surrey

Cristiano Mantovani (UPF and BSE)
Princeton University - Postdoc
University of Melbourne

Zoel Martín Vilató (UPF and BSE)
CaixaBank Research

Manuel V. Montesinos (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
Rockwool Foundation Berlin - Postdoc

Marta Morazzoni (UPF and BSE)
University College London (UCL)

Defne Mevsim (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
King - Data Scientist

Narek Ohanyan (UPF and BSE)
American University of Armenia

Valerio Pieroni (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
University of Essex

Maria Ptashkina (UPF and BSE)
Princeton University - Postdoc
University of Melbourne

David Puig (UPF and BSE)
Universidad de Navarra

Danila Smirnov (UPF and BSE)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Gabriela Stockler (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
NYU-Abu Dabi - Postdoc

Katherina Thomas (IDEA-UAB and BSE)
Universitat de Barcelona - Postdoc

Sources: IDEA PhD Graduates 2023 and UPF Job Market Placements 2023

Both the UPF PhD Program and the IDEA PhD Program at UAB are organized jointly with BSE. The BSE PhD Track Master's Program is the first year of the UPF PhD.

About PhD programs in the BSE research communitiy

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