Isaac Baley


Isaac Baley is Associate Professor of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Associated Researcher at CREI, and
Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics. He is also a Research Affiliate of CEPR.

He received his PhD in Economics from New York University and a Master in Economic Theory from Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.

His research has the objective to understand how agents behave in environments with information frictions and the implications of these choices for macroeconomic outcomes. His work spans a wide range of topics including firm's pricing behavior, monetary policy, international trade and labor markets.

Previously he was economic advisor at the Mexican Ministries of Economics and Finance, where he was responsible for designing and implementing policies to expand access to financial markets.

Awards, Grants, and Honors

Working Papers


Open Access       Isaac Baley, Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent

Cross-phenomenon restrictions: Unemployment effects of layoff costs and quit turbulence

Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol.50, 43-60, October 2023, 10.1016/
Open Access
Recognition ProgramIsaac Baley, Ana Figueiredo and Robert Ulbricht

Mismatch Cycles

Journal of Political Economy, Vol.130, No 11, 2943–2984, November 2022, 10.1086/720461
Recognition ProgramIsaac Baley and Andrés Blanco

Aggregate Dynamics in Lumpy Economies

Econometrica, Vol.89, No 3, 1235-1264, May 2021, 10.3982/ECTA17344