6th annual BSE PhD Jamboree
This May, the sixth edition of the Barcelona School of Economics PhD Jamboree meeting took place at UPF's Balmes Building in downtown Barcelona.
The Jamboree is an annual workshop aimed at providing PhD students in the BSE research community with a venue to exchange ideas and get feedback on their work in progress from a wider peer group. The BSE PhD Jamboree is one of the research initiatives supported by the Severo Ochoa Research Excellence Accreditation.
The Jamboree is organized and run by doctoral students in the Graduate Program in Economics, Finance and Management (GPEFM) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and the International Doctorate in Economic Analysis (IDEA) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Both programs are organized jointly with the BSE. The organizers leading the Jamboree this year were:
- Adrian Ifrim (UAB and BSE)
- Karolis Liaudinskas (UPF and BSE)
- Marta Morazzoni (UPF and BSE)
- Ruben Pérez Sanz (UAB and BSE)
The Jamboree organizers found that it was a great experience to organize this conference. "We think that this event is a great opportunity to meet new people, get to know what other PhD students are working on and get feedback on your own research, all in a friendly and stimulating environment. We would like to thank BSE for making this possible. After seeing the students' interest, we think the conference may have the potential to expand the scope of presenters and become an important international PhD students' conference."
Keynote presentations by invited alumni
As in previous editions, two alumni from GPEFM and IDEA were invited back to give keynote presentations at the Jamboree. This year's keynotes were Antonio Mele (GPEFM '09, now Lecturer in Economics at the University of Surrey) and Christopher Rauh (IDEA '14, now Assistant Professor at the University of Montreal).
Both alumni were on hand to watch the presentations of current students, and mentioned that they were impressed with the quality and innovation of the research they are doing at GPEFM and IDEA.
Christopher Rauh (University of Montreal) discusses “Socio-Economic Gaps in University Enrollment: The Role of Perceived Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Returns” at this year's BSE PhD Jamoree.
"I thought the quality of the presentations was very high, and it was great to see that students in Barcelona are doing cutting-edge research. It was an honor for me to be back after having presented in the very first edition of the Jamboree. I was happy to see the students are keeping the Jamboree alive. It's important students make use of the economies of scale of having the two great PhD programs at UPF and UAB in the same city," Prof. Rauh said.
Antonio Mele, “On the Perils of Stabilizing Prices when Agents are Learning.”
Professor Mele commented, "I was positively surprised by the high level of the presentations, even from students at their first year in the PhD. They are doing very innovative research, and the Jamboree is a great format for them to receive feedback. I am hoping there will be more initiatives like this one in Europe. Many thanks to the organizers who put up a fantastic event."
More about PhD programs and the PhD Jamboree
Download the 2019 Jamboree program