Pau Milán


Pau Milán is assistant professor at UAB, research fellow of MOVE, and affiliated professor of the BSE. He holds a PhD in Economics from GPEFM (UPF and BSE) and a Master's in Economics from the BSE (Class of 2009).

Awards, Grants, and Honors

Working Papers


Recognition Program

Attila Ambrus, Wayne Y Gao and Pau Milán

Informal Risk Sharing with Local Information

Review of Economic Studies, Vol.89, No 5, 2329–2380, October 2022, 10.1093/restud/rdab091
Open Access

Recognition Program

Joan de Martí and Pau Milán

Regime Change in Large Information Networks

Games and Economic Behavior, Vol.113, 262-284, January 2019, 10.1016/j.geb.2018.09.010