Javier Gil-Bazo



PhD, Universidad del País Vasco

Javier Gil-Bazo is Associate Professor of Finance at University Pompeu Fabra and the Program of the Master in Finance offered by the Barcelona School of Economics. He has previously held an Associate Professor position and an Assistant Professor position at University Carlos III. Javier, who holds a doctorate in Economics from the University of the Basque Country, has also undertaken research at Tilburg University and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

His research has been published in academic journals such as Journal of Finance, Quantitative Finance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Journal of Financial Econometrics, and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. His research has been awarded with the Best Paper Award at the European Conference of the Financial Management Association, the Honorable Mention of the Moskowitz Prize for outstanding research in socially responsible investing and the Best Derivatives Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Finance Association.

Javier has served as referee for Journal of Banking and Finance, Management Science, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Quantitative Finance, European Journal of Finance, Computational Intelligence, Applied Intelligence, Spanish Economic Review, Moneda y Crédito, Revista de Economía Financiera, and Revista de Economía Aplicada. He has also belonged to the programme committee of the Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association, the European Conference of the Financial Management Association and the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Finance Association.

Working Papers


Open Access       Christian Brownlees and Javier Gil-Bazo

Nonstandard Errors

Journal of Finance, Vol.79, No 3, 2339-2390, April 2024, 10.1111/jofi.13337
Open Access
Open Access       Richard Evans, Javier Gil-Bazo and Marc Lipson

Mutual fund performance and manager assets: The negative effect of outside holdings

Financial Management, Vol.53, 3-29, January 2024, 10.1111/fima.12443
Open Access
Open Access       Victor DeMiguel, Javier Gil-Bazo, Francisco J. Nogales and André A. P. Santos

Machine learning and fund characteristics help to select mutual funds with positive alpha

Journal of Financial Economics, No 150, 3, December 2023, 10.1016/j.jfineco.2023.103737
Open Access