Juan Francisco Jimeno

Head of the Research Division, Bank of Spain


PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Juan F. Jimeno is Head of the Research Division of Banco de España. Previously, he has held faculty and research positions with the London School of Economics, the Universidad de Alcalá, and FEDEA. His research focuses on labor markets and macroeconomic issues. He has published in leading economics journals such as American Economic Review, Journal of the European Economic Association, European Economic Review, Economic Journal, Journal of Population Economics, and Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. Currently, he is an editor of the IZA Journal of Labor Policy.


Angel de la Fuente and Juan Francisco Jimeno

The Private and Fiscal Returns to Schooling in the European Union

Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol.7, No 6, 1319--1360, January 2009, 10.1162/JEEA.2009.7.6.1319