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Competition, Markets, and Regulation

Quantitative Methods for Competition Analysis

Master cutting-edge quantitative methods to analyze competition, market power, and anticompetitive practices.

28h (4 days)
€1,650 - €2,950
Face-to-face or Online
Program date: May 13 - 16, 2025
Early bird deadline: April 14, 2025
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Quantitative Methods for Competition Analysis
Applications for 2025 Executive Education courses are now open!

The BSE Quantitative Methods for Competition Analysis course equips participants with empirical tools to assess market power and competition, focusing on market definition, merger analysis, and anticompetitive practices. Taught by top experts in industrial organization and competition policy.


What makes this course different from those on a similar topic?


Expert Faculty:Learn from leading academic economists and experienced practitioners


Interactive Learning: Gain hands-on experience with the latest empirical methods used in real competition cases


Explore Contemporary Challenges: Topics covered include market power measurement, abusive practices, and anticompetitive conduct


Bridge the gap: Between theory and practice in competition analysis


Apply learned techniques: Explore case studies of competition analysis in various industries, ensuring an actionable understanding of concepts

A team of leading academics and practitioners will walk you through the latest methods for competition case analysis

This course is specifically aimed at:

  • Academics and researchers in competition law and economics
  • Lawyers, Economists, Policymakers, and Managers working in (or interested in) the areas of competition policy and regulation:
    • Competition authorities
    • Regulatory agencies
    • Law firms, courts, and tribunals
    • Economic consultancy firms
    • International organizations
    • Other public institutions
    • Corporations

Review actual cases and learn to apply the concepts in practice with hands-on sessions

By the end of this course, participants will have:

  • Review established and recent quantitative methods for competition analysis, with a proper balance between techniques and interpretation also accessible to non-economists
  • Acquire practical insights into the application of techniques through a comprehensive exploration of recent cases, equipping you to navigate real-world scenarios with confidence
  • Learn about the practical considerations to apply techniques, based on the lessons from various recent cases where quantitative techniques have been applied
  • Develop a good common sense of the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches, and the circumstances under which they are (not) suitable
  • Acquire a thorough understanding of the data requirements for applying various techniques
  • Learn how to work with big datasets and use quantitative techniques to analyze big data

Chatham House Rule

To promote a frank, open, and constructive discussion, this course will be conducted under the Chatham House Rule, which states that “participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”

Program Syllabus for Quantitative Methods for Competition Analysis

Here is a brief look at the topics that will be covered in the course.

Course Outline

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  • Market Definition
  • Demand Estimation
  • Quantitative approaches to market definition
  • UPP and merger simulation
  • Vertical mergers
  • Direct approaches to merger analysis.
  • Digital markets
  • Quantifying damages: Principals and methods
  • Three practical sessions and an introductory review of basic Stata commands will demonstrate implementing econometric techniques using Stata, including demand estimation, merger simulation, and treatment effects

Why should you attend BSE Executive Education courses?

All BSE Executive Education courses are taught to the same high standard as our Master’s programs.


Network with like-minded peers from around the world


Short courses allow you to learn without a big time commitment


Try something new and expand your knowledge and career prospects, or advance your thesis


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Luca Parisi

I had a good academic understanding of competition analysis, but this course provided me with the practical bridge to better understand how cases, especially their quantitative aspects, function in practice. Everyone involved in the course, from the professors to the attendees, was very friendly, and I thoroughly enjoyed my first time in Barcelona.

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Katarina Labajova

The combination of lecturers from Academia and the European Commission gave an overview of both model usage and Commision praxis, perfectly complementing each other.

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Giuseppe Buglione

The techniques covered in the course are extremely useful in the work of an applied economist in the field of competition policy, both in the private and the public sector. The faculty is composed by top ranked professors and practitioners who were able to explain the theoretical concepts clearly, while at the same time providing examples from real cases and useful insights, based on their experience, on the main advantages or issues associated to the taught techniques.

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Siphamandla Mkhwanazi

I personally found it very useful. It was a well-balanced presentation of the extent to which econometric methods can be used in competition cases.

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If you want to apply for this Competition Economics course, ensure you meet the criteria below.

Program date: May 13 - 16, 2025
Deadline to apply: May 7, 2025


  • Candidates are evaluated on an individual basis according to their professional or academic background

Get up to date with the latest case studies and developments in this area.

Here is your course Schedule!

The times listed are Central European Time (CET). Compare with your time zone on

Instructors, topics, and schedules are subject to change.

Day 1

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08:30 - 09:00
Registration (For those not attending STATA Session)
09:00 - 10:45
Practical Session: Introduction to STATA
Coffee Break + Registration (For those not attending STATA session)
11:15 - 13:00
Introduction to market definition
Daniel Coublocq
Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45
Demand estimation I
Frank Verboven
Coffee Break
16:15 - 18:00
Demand estimation II
Frank Verboven
Social Dinner

Day 2

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09:00 - 10:45
Qualitative approaches to market definition
Frank Verboven
Coffee Break
11:15 - 13:00
UPP and merger simulation
Daniel Coublucq
Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45
Vertical mergers
Daniel Coublucq
Coffee Break
16:15 - 18:00
Direct approaches to merger analysis I
Daniel Coublucq

Day 3

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09:00 - 10:45
Practice session: Demand estimation
Rosa Ferrer
Coffee Break
11:15 - 13:00
Direct approaches to merger analysis II
Benoît Durand
Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45
Practice session: Merger simulation
Rosa Ferrer
Coffee Break
16:15 - 18:00
Practice session: Treatment effects
Benoît Durand

Day 4

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09:00 - 10:45
Digital markets I
Gábor Koltay
Coffee Break
11:15 - 13:00
Digital markets II
Gábor Koltay
Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45
Qualifying damages: Principles
Christian Michel
Coffee Break
16:15 - 18:00
Qualifying damages: Methods
Christian Michel

Certificates and Fees


Participants who attend at least 80% of the course will receive a Certificate of Attendance free of charge. Participants will not be graded or assessed during the course.


A 10% discount applies when the confirmation payment is completed on or before the announced Early Bird deadline.

Multiple course discounts are available. Find out more information in our Fees and Discounts pdf.

Fees for other Executive Education programs may vary.

Quantitative Methods for Competition Analysis
Face-to-face or Online
Total Hours
Regular Fee
Reduced Fee*

* Reduced Fee applies to the public sector (e.g. agencies, tribunals, regulators, competition authorities, government institutions), PhD or Master’s students, Alumni of BSE Master’s programs, and participants who are unemployed.


Need more information? Check out our most frequently asked questions.

Is accommodation included in the course fee?

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Accommodation is not included in the course fee. Participants are responsible for finding accommodation.

Are the sessions recorded?

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Sessions will be recorded and videos will be available for a month once the course has finished.

How much does each Executive Education course cost?

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Fees for each course may vary. Please consult each course page for accurate information.

Are there any discounts available?

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Yes, BSE offers a variety of discounts on its Executive Education courses. See more information about available discounts or request a personalized discount quote by email .

Can I take more than one course?

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Yes! you can combine any of the Executive Education courses (schedule permitting). See the full course calendar here.

Cancelation and Refund Policy

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Please consult BSE Executive Education policies for more information.

Are there any evening activities during the course?

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Yes, a social dinner will be held on the first evening of the course.

Contact our Admissions Team

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