

Unicredit & Universities continues its support for students in BSE academic programs

BSE News

This June, Unicredit & Universities held its annual award ceremony for the winners of its scholarships for study at prestigious European institutions. The ceremony included a talk by Harvard University economist Alberto Alesina, who spoke on the future of the European Union.

The aim of the UniCredit & Universities Foundation is to support the best talented students and researchers in Economics and Finance in the 17 European countries where UniCredit operates. Every year since 2010, UniCredit has provided a full scholarship for a student in the BSE master programs. At this year's ceremony, Unicredit awarded the masters scholarship to Mattia Bongini, who will enter the BSE Master Program in Finance this fall.

Beginning in 2015, the organization expanded its support by including the BSE in two more initiatives for top European institutions: a Best Paper Award for PhD students at a select list of seven European universities; and two grants to attend Economics summer schools that are exclusively available for the BSE and the London School of Economics.

The continued support of sponsors like Unicredit & Universities reinforces the BSE's objective to recruit top students and researchers and increase its critical mass of academic talent in Economics and related fields.

Unicredit & Universities Press Release

Scholarships and Financial Aid for masters students