

Top Institutions and Firms Partner with the BSE to Offer Internships & Scholarships to Students

Numerous prestigious companies have endorsed the BSE by pledging both scholarships and internships to the school's new masters programs: the Msc in Competition and Market Regulation and the Msc in the Economics of Science and Innovation.

The academic quality of the new programs has been recognized and affirmed by these partner institutions and firms, which have eagerly collaborated with the school in a variety of capacities. The comprehensive financial support they have offered in the form of full and partial tuition scholarships is testament to the academic quality of the programs, while the prestigious internships offered demonstrate that partnered institutions already anticipate that graduates of the programs will be highly desirable candidates in the labor market.

To help the most qualified students fund their education, the BSE has 20 full tuition scholarships available as well as many partial tuition grants, which will be dispensed on the basis of merit and distributed between the two new master programs. These join 20 pre-existing scholarships allocated for students in the Msc in Economics and Msc in Finance. In addition, in June seven new scholarships were announced, provided by the National Renewable Energies Center (CENER), Novartis, the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Cuatrecases Abogados, and Uría Menéndez.

Students in the new masters programs will benefit from the many scholarships and internships available

Complementing the numerous scholarships offered to BSE students, the school has formed internship agreements with many prestigious institutions and firms who wish to recruit among graduates of its masters programs. As a result, the school has developed an internship program in which students will spend 3-6 months post-graduation working intensively, most often in an international setting, at the company of their choice. Thus far, the BSE has entered internship agreements with a variety of institutions offering diverse roles and experiences. Some of the participants include:

Msc in the Economics of Science and Innovation Deputy Director and BSE Professor David Pérez-Castrillo points out that "the school's internship program connects students with leading companies operating in their area of interest. It's a mutually beneficial situation." While students profit from being able to transfer immediately after graduation into their ideal career and industry, participating institutions have the advantage of gaining access to top students in the program.

Overall, the many acts of support indicates a recognition that the teaching excellence of the internationally renowned faculty, combined with the academic eminence of the student body, will result in programs of the highest caliber producing some of the top candidates in the job market. With such thorough endorsements from partnered institutions and firms, the launch of the new programs is sure to be extremely successful.

Students who are interested in applying for admission to the Msc in Competition and Market Regulation and the Msc in the Economics of Science and Innovation for the 2007-2008 academic year may do so by submitting an online application.

See GSE Sponsors

Read about GSE Master Programs