

BSE Students invited to the European Central Bank Female Talent Day

The European Central Bank (ECB) recently held a “Female Talent Open Day” at the head office in Frankfurt and invited two students from the BSE to attend along with the BSE Career Services team.

The purpose of the day was to provide a unique opportunity for highly talented female students to learn more about the working environment at the ECB. Only selected educational institutions were invited to attend and the BSE was honoured to be recognized by the ECB in this way.

The ECB is aware that the financial services sector is often seen as a “man’s world” and they wanted to show that they are dedicated to recognizing female talent and attracting the best talent to the ECB.

The aim of the day was to provide students with the opportunity to visit the ECB in order to get a real feel of what it is like to work there as well as prepare them further for the job market after graduation. Different women at the ECB spoke about their professional experience of working their, how they entered ECB, how they face daily challenges at work, the importance of long-life learning and the benefits of having a dedicated mentor for professional and personal growth.

It was also emphasized that the ECB is committed to creating tailor made training programs for its employees as well as providing mentorship. The day provided the opportunity for future female graduates from all over Europe, to network with professionals as well as exchange information and experiences.

Laurence Penven from the BSE Career Services team attended the event along with students Saskia Mösle (ITFD ‘16) and Marina Bosque (EPP ‘16). Laurence commented that “the day was very inspirational and insightful for both the students and the Career Services department. It was also a demonstration of the strong relationship that exists between the ECB and the BSE. Hopefully this relationship will continue to grow in strength, with more BSE students in the future being able to benefit from the graduate programme opportunities that are offered by the ECB to talented students.”

Below is a video on women starting their career at the ECB: