

Board elects Prof. Ramon Marimon as new Chairman of the BSE

This week the BSE Board of Trustees elected Prof. Ramon Marimon (EUI, UPF and BSE) to be the second Chairman of the BSE. Prof. Marimon takes over the position previously held by the School's founder, Prof. Andreu Mas-Colell (UPF and BSE), who has stepped down in order to focus on his responsibilities as the newly appointed Minister of Economy and Knowledge in the Catalan government.

Building on success

A member of the BSE Board since the School's inception, Prof. Marimon has a deep knowledge of BSE's foundations and goals. But his ties to the School community stretch back even further. Prof. Marimon was one of the co-founders of the UPF, where he served as its first Dean and Chair of Economics and Business. He was also the first Director of the Centre for Research in International Economics (CREI) and the network CREA, which was the seed of the BSE. Later the UPF Department of Economics and Business and CREI would become two of the four BSE academic units, while the network CREA dissolved into the research activities at BSE.

Chairman of the BSE Scientific Council Prof. Hugo Sonnenschein (University of Chicago) called Prof. Marimon "the perfect choice" for the next Chairman of BSE.

"We could not be more thrilled with his appointment," he said. "Prof. Marimon is not only a most distinguished macroeconomist, but he is an experienced administrator, who has an expert knowledge of research and education. He knows the BSE and he has the confidence and support of the BSE community. We look forward to working with him, together with the Director-General and the Dean, to build upon the extraordinary success that has been achieved to date."

Cultivating a vision

Prof. Sonnenschein also praised outgoing chairman Prof. Andreu Mas-Colell for his leadership and vision as he guided the fledgling BSE toward success from the very beginning.

"The creation of the BSE, its immediate successes in attracting outstanding scholars to the faculty, and the manner in which it has captured the imagination and support of business leaders and academics from around the world, is a testimony to Mas-Colell’s vision and leadership," Prof. Sonnenschein said.

He went on to put Prof. Mas-Colell's leadership of the BSE in the broader context of his mission to build a robust presence for all of economics in Catalonia. "Speaking for the Board, I express not only gratitude, but our hopes and expectations that Prof. Mas-Colell will continue to provide the School with his wisdom and support," he said. "This is most important as the BSE works to solidify its presence as one of the premiere centers for economic research and education in Europe."

About Prof. Ramon Marimon (EUI, UPF and BSE)

Ramon Marimon, Chairman of the BSE

Prof. Ramon Marimon (PhD, Northwestern University, 1984) is Director of the Max Weber Postdoctoral Programme and Professor of Economics at the European University Institute (Florence) on an extended leave from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where he is full professor.

Previously he was associate professor at the University of Minnesota and a visiting professor at Stanford University, Cambridge University, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, the International Monetary Fund, the Santa Fe Institute, and Ente Einaudi and Luiss University, among others.

Prof. Marimon is a member of the Expert Group on Knowledge and Growth of the European Commission and served as Secretary of State for Science and Technology of the Government of Spain (2000-2002).

Former president of the Spanish Economic Association, Professor Marimon chairs the European Economic Association Standing Committee on Research, and he has been a research fellow at the NBER since 1992 and of the CEPR since 1993. He is former co-editor of the Review of Economic Dynamics and he has served as Chairman of the European Commission's High Level Panel for the mid-term evaluation of the effectiveness of the New Instruments of the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.

Prof. Marimon pursued his BA at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona before going on to get his MPhil and PhD at Northwestern University. His research interests include Macroeconomics, Monetary Theory, Labor Theory, Political Economy, Contract Theory, Learning Theory, and the Economics of Science and Innovation.

GSE Chairman Ramon Marimon


About Chairman Ramon Marimon

Prof. Marimon's personal website

BSE Leadership

Board of Trustees

Scientific Council