

594 students from around the world attend BSE Summer School 2024

Participant during Summer School 2024

594 students from around the world come together in Barcelona for a unique learning experience

Every year, the Barcelona School of Economics hosts a Summer School for participants to bolster their professional goals with various one-week courses spanning many different topics in the fields of Economics, Finance, and Data Science.

BSE Summer School 2024 took place from June 17th to July 12, when 594 participants from 64 countries arrived in Barcelona to participate in 10 programs.

These are the programs that were offered in the 2024 edition of the BSE Summer School

The world-renowned BSE staff carefully craft these programs to simulate the experience of a Master’s student in just one week. In addition to the program itself, professors organize after-class events and extracurricular activities to help participants network with the community and further immerse themselves in the curriculum.

BSE Summer School is a time for professional development, however attending Summer school also allows participants to experience local culture, cuisine, and lifestyle.  Attending BSE Summer School includes experiencing Barcelona itself!

Here are some thoughts from this year’s participants

"BSE Summer School was a fantastic experience, educationally enriching with clear, helpful lecturers, and excellent for networking, allowing me to meet diverse professionals both in and out of academia." - Ruggero Maria Barzon

"I had an amazing two weeks at BSE summer school. In the first week, the gender economics course gave me new perspectives on addressing economic shocks in the labor market and I made many new contacts. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to expand their knowledge and academic network. The second week focused on microeconometrics, with a perfect blend of theory and practical sessions that provided new tools for my doctoral thesis!" - Karin Zimmerman

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BSE Summer School