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Modern Approaches to Difference-in-Differences

Master differences-in-differences analysis to accurately measure policy impacts and enhance decision-making with empirical evidence.

20h (10 days)
€775 - €1,325
Applications for this course are closed
Next edition: TBA
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Modern Approaches to Difference-in-Differences
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This course covers both foundational concepts, such as the potential outcomes framework and the parallel trends assumption, and advanced topics like staggered DiD, non-parametric estimators, and synthetic control methods.

This comprehensive course delves into essential topics including potential outcomes, social experiments, matching, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, and difference in differences. Participants gain vital tools to accurately discern cause-and-effect relationships, empowering them to make informed decisions in policy-making, research, and strategic planning.


Discover what makes this a unique learning opportunity


Expert Instruction: Learn from leading researchers in econometrics and policy evaluation.


Hands-on Experience: Focus on real data and modern software tools for practical applications.


Get a 360 View of the Topic: Offers recent and diverse insights, preparing participants for current and future impact evaluation challenges.


Future-proof: Skills and knowledge gained will shape effective policies and interventions in the coming years.


Interactive Online Format: Flexible online classes with practical applications.

This course is essential for practitioners, students, and industry professionals, providing a deep understanding of both traditional and contemporary DiD methodologies

Find out if this course is for you:

  • Economists seeking to enhance skills in evaluating policy and intervention impacts over time
  • Public policy analysts in health, education, and labor sectors gain tools for assessing policy effectiveness
  • Social scientists in sociology and political science gain tools to study causal relationships and policy impacts
  • Students in economics, public policy, and sociology to deepen their understanding of causal inference
  • Statisticians and data scientists will gain advanced techniques for designing and analyzing longitudinal studies
  • Program evaluators in NGOs, government, and private firms will learn to assess intervention effectiveness accurately
  • Private-sector business analysts gain skills to evaluate the impact of strategies, marketing campaigns, and operations over time

This course aims to familiarize participants with modern approaches to Difference-in-Differences

Participants of this course will:

  • Acquire a profound grasp of the potential outcomes framework and the critical parallel trends assumption underlying DiD analysis
  • Strengthen their skills in data manipulation, model specification, and interpretation of results
  • Learn to critically assess the validity of the parallel trends assumption and understand the implications of different DiD approaches on their analysis
  • Evaluate the validity of parallel trends and understand how different DiD approaches impact analysis
  • Use real-world data to strengthen their skills in designing robust impact evaluations and mitigating biases in estimates

By the end of the course, participants will be proficient in using contemporary DiD methodologies to conduct rigorous and credible policy evaluations, making them valuable assets in academic research, public policy analysis, and industry applications.

Program Syllabus for Modern Approaches to Difference-in-Differences

Below is a list of topics that will be covered in the next edition of Modern Approaches to Difference-in-Differences course.

Course Outline

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  • Basic setup – potential outcomes
  • Difference-in-differences and parallel trends assumption
  • Two-way fixed effects
  • Staggered DiD and the risky comparisons: Goodman-Bacon
  • Recent developments:
    • Non-parametric group and time-specific estimator (Callaway and Sant’Anna, 2021)
    • Fully saturated event study specification (Abraham and Sun, 2021).
    • Imputation estimator (Borusyak, Jarvel and Spiess, 2021).
    • Stacked DiD (Cengiz et al. 2019).
  • Synthetic control method

STATA License

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  • Every participant will receive a time-limited personal free license of STATA several days before the start of the course. Participants should install the STATA software on their computers for use during the practical sessions

Why should you attend BSE Executive Education courses?

All BSE Executive Education courses are taught to the same high standard as our Master’s programs.


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Short courses allow you to learn without a big time commitment


Try something new and expand your knowledge and career prospects, or advance your thesis


Considering taking part in BSE Modern Approaches to Difference-in-Differences Executive Education course? Check you meet the requirements below.

Applications for this course are closed
Next edition: TBA


  • Candidates are assessed on an individual basis according to their professional or academic background

Prerequisites include

  • To enroll in this course, participants should have a foundational understanding of econometrics.
  • Having completed introductory courses covering ordinary least squares (OLS) and its assumptions
  • Some notion of endogenous regressors and instrumental variables, as well as panel data analysis
  • Prior experience with statistical software used for econometric analysis, such as Stata, R, or Python

A solid grasp of these concepts ensures that students can effectively engage with the advanced methodologies taught in the course and apply advanced difference-in-differences techniques to real-world data.

Get up to speed with the latest developments in Microeconometrics in a short time.

Course Schedule

The times listed are Central European Time (CET). Compare with your time zone on

Instructors, topics, and schedules are subject to change.


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Sessions take place Mon – Fri over 10 days.

Certificate and Fees


Participants who attend at least 80% of the course will receive a Certificate of Attendance free of charge. Participants will not be graded or assessed during the course.


A 10% discount applies when the confirmation payment is completed on or before the announced Early bird deadline.

Multiple course discounts are available. Find out more information in our Fees and Discounts pdf.

Fees for courses in other Executive Education programs may vary.

Modern Approaches to Difference-in-Differences
Total Hours
Regular Fee
Reduced Fee*

* Reduced Fee applies for PhD or Master’s students, Alumni of BSE Master’s programs, and participants who are unemployed.


Need more information? Check out our most frequently asked questions.

Are the sessions recorded?

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Sessions will be recorded and videos will be available for a month once the course has finished.

How much does each Executive Education course cost?

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Fees for each course may vary. Please consult each course page for accurate information.

Are there any discounts available?

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Yes, BSE offers a variety of discounts on its Executive Education courses. See more information about available discounts or request a personalized discount quote by email.

Can I take more than one course?

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Yes! You can combine any of the Executive Education courses (schedule permitting). See the full course calendar here.

Cancelation and Refund Policy

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Please consult BSE Executive Education policies for more information.

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Next edition: TBA
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