Advances in Micro Development Economics

The BSE Summer Forum Workshop on Advances in Micro Development Economics aims at being a showcase of recent outstanding contributions in the broad literature on development economics. The workshop aims to create an annual meeting of top researchers in this field in the framework of the BSE Summer Forum. Both empirical and theoretical contributions will be encouraged, and participation of both established seniors and promising junior researchers is expected. 

Workshop organizers


Previous editions

Speakers appear in the order in which they presented during the workshop.

2023 Edition
2022 Edition
2021 Edition
2020 Edition

This edition took place in the framework of the BSE Research Webinars.

  • Yogita Shamdasani (National University of Singapore)
    “Labor Rationing: A Revealed Preference Approach from Hiring Shocks” (with E. Breza and S. Kaur)
  • Benjamin Marx (Sciences Po)
    “Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling” (with S. Bazzi and M. Hilmy)
  • Elliott Ash (ETH Zürich)
    “A Machine Learning Approach to Analyzing Corruption in Local Public Finances” (with S. Galletta and T. Giommoni)
  • Salvatore Di Falco (University of Geneva)
    “Counterfeit Seeds, Labor Supply and Economic Returns: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania” (with E. Bulte, M. Kassiec and X. Vollenweider)
  • Elisa M. Maffioli (University of Michigan)
    “Is the Phone Mightier than the Virus? Cell Phone Access and Epidemic Containment Efforts” (with R. Gonzalez)
  • Cynthia Kinnan (Tufts University)
    “Selection and Utilization in a Large, Public Health Insurance Program: An evaluation of India’s Rastriya Swasthya Bima Yojana” (with G. Conti, K. Imai, A. Malani and A. Voena)
  •  Manaswini Rao (University of California Berkeley)
    “Judges, Lenders, and the Bottom Line: Courting Firm Growth in India”
  •  Vittorio Bassi (University of Southern California)
    “Achieving Scale Collectively” (with R. Muoio, T. Porzio, R. Sen and E. Tugume) 
2019 Edition
2018 Edition
2017 Edition
2016 Edition
2015 Edition
2014 Edition