Fragmented Monetary Unions

  • Authors: Christoph Grosse-Steffen and Luca Fornaro.
  • BSE Working Paper: 1437 | April 24
  • Keywords: Capital flows , unconventional monetary policies , euro area , inflation , Monetary unions , fragmentation , optimal monetary policy in openeconomies , fiscal crises , endogenous breaking of symmetry , optimum currency areas
  • JEL codes: E31, E52, F32, F41, F42, F45
  • Capital flows
  • unconventional monetary policies
  • euro area
  • inflation
  • Monetary unions
  • fragmentation
  • optimal monetary policy in openeconomies
  • fiscal crises
  • endogenous breaking of symmetry
  • optimum currency areas
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We provide a theory of financial fragmentation in monetary unions. Our key insight is that currency unions may experience endogenous breakings of symmetry: that is episodes in which identical countries react differently when exposed to the same shock. During these events part of the union suffers a capital flight, while the rest acts as a safe haven and receives capital inflows. The central bank then faces a difficult trade-off between containing unemployment in capital-flight countries, and inflationary pressures in safe-haven ones. By counteracting private capital flows with public ones, anti-fragmentation monetary programs mitigate the impact of financial fragmentation on employment and inflation, thus helping the central bank to fulfill its price stability mandate.

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