Carlos Segura

Researcher, Telefónica

PhD, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Carlos Segura is a research scientist at Telefonica Research in Barcelona. He works on machine learning and artificial intelligence applied to multimedia signal processing, natural language processing and dialogue systems. He obtained his MSc and PhD (2011) in computer science at the Center for Language and Speech Technologies and Applications of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. During his MSc, he developed his Master's thesis at TU-Berlin, where he continued working as a research assistant. In 2010 he joined the company Herta Security as the Director of Innovation under the Torres Quevedo program, where he worked on the research and development of biometric algorithms for speaker and face recognition. He has collaborated in several national and EU projects and technology evaluations, and has published many scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals and international conferences.