

More than 400 economic researchers from around the world gather for the first BSE Summer Forum

The Barcelona School of Economics is organizing the first BSE Summer Forum from June 10-28, 2013. More than 400 internationally recognized academics and economists will come together to participate in 17 workshops and two public roundtables on the latest research topics across economic fields. The BSE Summer Forum is the first international event of this type and this scope to be organized in Europe.

Participants in the BSE Summer Forum include researchers from leading universities around the world such as Columbia, Yale, Minnesota, Stanford, NYU, Harvard, Duke, Bocconi, Tel Aviv, Paris, LSE, and Singapore Management University, among others, as well as many BSE affiliated professors.

Economists from central banks such as the European Central Bank, the central banks of Spain, Italy, England, France, and the United States Federal Reserve system are also participating in the Summer Forum, as are members of international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements.

"Our goal is to make the BSE Summer Forum one of the main events in Europe for economists," said this year's organizers, Prof. Omar Licandro (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and Prof. Jaume Ventura (CREI, UPF and BSE).

Another objective is to create a meeting point between academic, economic, and political spheres. To that end, the public is invited to attend two roundtable events to be held on Friday, June 14 and Friday, June 21:

Friday, June 14 at 12:30pm Friday, June 21 at 12:30pm

Development: poverty, corruption, fragmentation and conflict

Lessons from the financial crisis: how much longer until the end of the crisis?



These roundtables present two unique opportunities to hear renowned experts debate issues that directly impact society and individuals.


The Summer Forum is one of the research initiatives the BSE has created with the support of the Severo Ochoa Recognition of Excellence Program.