News Benjamin Moll becomes the 8th Calvó-Armengol Prize Laureate
Benjamin Moll becomes the 8th Calvó-Armengol Prize Laureate
4 min
Table of contents
<ol class='my-0'><li class="mt-0 pl-0 mb-3 text-base lg:text-lg"><a href="#2024-ceremony-celebrates-both-benjamin-moll-and-stefanie-stantcheva" class="text-no-underline">2024 ceremony celebrates both Benjamin Moll and Stefanie Stantcheva</a></li><li class="mt-0 pl-0 mb-3 text-base lg:text-lg"><a href="#thinking-broadly-about-social-interactions-and-the-economy" class="text-no-underline">Thinking broadly about social interactions and the economy</a></li><li class="mt-0 pl-0 mb-3 text-base lg:text-lg"><a href="#media-coverage" class="text-no-underline">Media coverage</a></li></ol>
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Among the participants of UAI 2024 were data scientists and researchers from:
More than 130 universities in Europe, Asia, and North America
Research centers such as the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), the Max Planck Institutes (Germany) and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Canada)
More than 130 universities in Europe, Asia, and North America
More than 130 universities in Europe, Asia, and North America
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