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Competition, Markets, and Regulation

Abuse of Dominance: Digital Cases and Other Recent Developments

Understanding market power and anti-competitive behavior through empirical and theoretical analysis.

16.75h (3 days)
€1,200 - €2,100
Face-to-face or Online
Applications for this course are closed
Next edition: TBA
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Competition, Markets, and Regulation
Abuse of Dominance: Digital Cases and Other Recent Developments
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This course explores competition economics with a focus on abuse of dominance. Topics include market power, predatory pricing, exclusive dealing, and tying.

You will learn to analyze and regulate dominant firms through lectures, case studies, and exercises to promote fair competition.


Discover how this course can help you stay ahead of the curve


Expert Faculty: Renowned instructors with experience from the European Commission and top academic institutions.


Cutting-edge Content: Analysis of recent digital market cases and policies, including major players like Amazon, Google, and Meta.


Interactive and Practical Learning: Emphasis on real-world cases, applying theory to practice.


Focus on Key Regulations: Explores the EU’s Digital Markets Act and emerging guidelines on monopolistic behavior.

Acquire a thorough understanding of the most recent economic theories of monopolization, review current cases and apply the concepts in practice

Interested in learning more? This program has been designed for:

  • Academics and researchers in competition law and economics
  • Lawyers, economists, policymakers, and managers working on Competition Policy and Regulation in:
    • Competition authorities and Regulatory agencies
    • Law firms, courts, and tribunals
    • Economic consulting firms
    • International organizations and other public institutions
    • Corporations
  • Economics or Law professors or advanced students who want to understand the topic

Learn recent digital market cases and developments from internationally renowned competition experts

By the end of this course, participants will have:

  • Reviewed established and recent economic theories of abuse through a non-formal exposition
  • Understood the economic features of various abuse types, including price and non-price conduct
  • Identified the core elements of an effects-based approach for the assessment of unilateral behavior
  • Got familiar with the most important abuse of dominance cases, and identify their key features
  • Acquired the tools to apply a sound economic approach to monopolization cases
  • Understood key economic considerations behind landmark competition cases on abuse of dominance
  • Learned to structure potential abuse of dominance claims or defenses in an economically coherent way
  • Gained the ability to critically assess economic analyzes and submissions in abuse of dominance cases
  • Learned to evaluate the regulatory risk of a large firm’s conduct

Program Syllabus for Abuse of Dominance: Digital Cases and Other Developments

Here is a brief look at the topics that will be covered in the course.

Course Outline

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  • Basic concepts
  • Predation and Rebates: Economic Principles
  • Predation and Rebates: Cases and Policy
  • Exclusive Dealing: Economic Principles
  • Exclusive Dealing: Cases
  • Tying and Bundling: Economic Principles
  • Tying and Bundling: Cases
  • Self-Preferencing and Vertical Foreclosure: Economic Principles
  • Self-Preferencing and Vertical Foreclosure: Cases
  • Exploitative Abuses: Principles and Excessive Prices in Pharma
  • Anti-steering Clauses and Exploitative Abuse in Digital Markets
  • European Commission’s Guidelines on Exclusionary Practices: presentation and discussion with other lecturers and participants

Why should you attend BSE Executive Education courses?

All BSE Executive Education courses are taught to the same high standard as our Master’s programs.


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Short courses allow you to learn without a big time commitment


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María de la Luz Domper

It’s a high-quality course. The teachers are very, very good. The course gives you a deep and wide notion of the latest economic theories and cases in abuse of dominance that have been analyzed by the European Commission and the United States Department of Justice. It is great, and I recommend it.

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Maria Luisa Corton

The Abuse of Dominance course is strategically well structured to deliver both theory and practice, with a level of rigor that is exactly right to reach practitioners and researchers. Without doubt, it is an honor to sit in a class where professors are the most qualified professionals in the subject. A must take course if you work or do research in the area.

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Morten Eskild Friehling

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Irina Göransson

As a lawyer, I thought the course was very useful. Importantly, my colleagues who are economists thought the same. The lively discussions involving both economists and lawyers is proof of the fact that the course succeeded in capturing the interest of both groups, which can often be difficult. The lecturers have themselves been involved in many of the important cases in different jurisdictions.

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Bongisa Lekezwa

The course dealt exceptionally well with key issues in abuse of dominance in such restricted time. Integrating economics and law gave a holistic view of the conducts.

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If you want to apply for this Competition Economics course, ensure you meet the criteria below. 

Applications for this course are closed
Next edition: TBA


  • Candidates are evaluated on an individual basis according to their professional or academic background

Abuse of Dominance Admissions Requirements

  • Participants should have some knowledge of (or experience in) competition policy, although it is not mandatory

Get up to date with the latest digital cases and developments in this area.

Course Schedule

The times listed are Central European Time (CET). Compare with your time zone on

Instructors, topics, and schedules are subject to change.

Day 1

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Outline of the course adn basic concepts
Massimo Motta
Predation and rebates: Economic Principles
Giulio Federico
Coffe Break
Predation and rebates: Cases and policy
Giulio Federico
Exclusive Dealing: Economic Principles
Chiara Fumagalli
Exclusive Dealing: Cases
Chiara Fumagalli

Day 2

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Tying and Bundling: Economic Principles
Chiara Fumagalli
Coffe Break
Tying and Bundling: Cases
Chiara Fumagalli
Self-preferencing and vertical Foreclosure: Economic Principles
Massimo Motta
Self-preferencing and Vertical Foreclosure: Cases
Massimo Motta

Day 3

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Exploitative abuses: Principles and excessive prices in pharma
Giulio Federico
Coffe Break
Anti-steering clauses and exploitative abuse in digital markets
Massimo Motta
European Commission's Guidelines on Exclusionary Practices: presentation and discussion with other lecturers and participants
David Kovo

Certificate and Fees


Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance free of charge. Participants will not be graded or assessed during the course.


A 10% discount applies when the confirmation payment is completed on or before the announced Early Bird deadline.

Multiple course discounts are available. Find out more information in our Fees and Discounts pdf.

Fees for other Executive Education programs may vary.

Abuse of Dominance: Digital Cases and Other Recent Developments
Face-to-face or Online
Total Hours
Regular Fee
Reduced Fee*

* Reduced Fee applies for PhD or Master’s students, Alumni of BSE Master’s programs, and participants who are unemployed.


Need more information? Check out our most frequently asked questions:

Is accommodation included in the course fee?

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Accommodation is not included in the course fee. Participants are responsible for finding accommodation.

Are the sessions recorded?

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Sessions will be recorded and videos will be available for a month once the course has finished.

How much does each Executive Education course cost?

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Fees for each course may vary. Please consult each course page for accurate information.

Are there any discounts available?

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Yes, BSE offers a variety of discounts on its Executive Education courses. See more information about available discounts or request a personalized discount quote by email.

Can I take more than one course?

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Yes, you can combine any of the Executive Education courses (schedule permitting). See the full course calendar here.

Cancelation and Refund Policy

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Please consult BSE Executive Education policies for more information.

Are there any evening activities during the course?

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Yes, a social dinner will be held on the first evening of the course.

Contact our Admissions Team

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