Consumer Search and Switching Costs

In recent years, there is a growing recognition that consumer search and switching costs play a crucial role in understanding market outcomes. Whether it is in physical or in online market environments (or in a combination of them), small search frictions may have important consequences.

The workshop hosts both empirical and theoretical papers in this growing research area. Particular recent topics of interest include:

  • Pricing and consumer search in online markets
  • The role of search engines and other forms of intermediation in the markets with search frictions
  • Consumer search in relation to price discrimination, advertising, obfuscation
  • Vertical relations
  • Estimation and identification methods necessary to estimate market models with costly consumer search and switching
  • Evaluation of economic policies facilitating consumer search and switching

This workshop, which started in 2009, takes place each year in a different location. 

Workshop organizers

Workshop program


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