Firms in a Changing Background: New Technologies, Climate Change, and Other Developments

The information below is for the most recent edition of the BSE Summer Forum Workshop on Firms in a Changing Background: New Technologies, Climate Change, and Other Developments (2023).

The goal of this workshop is to discuss the implications of disruptive shocks and trends, such as the rise of new technologies, climate change, and other global developments and uncertainty shocks, on firms. We are particularly interested in theoretical and empirical work on the interplay between these trends, firm dynamics, allocation of resources, and industry-level and aggregate outcomes. We encourage submissions addressing issues including (but not limited to): 

  • Macroeconomic consequences of climate change: misallocation, adaptation, and innovations to mitigate climate change
  • Climate change, extreme weather events, and firms, and worker dynamics
  • The changing geography of production: supply chain disruptions, and production networks Intangible capital investment: measurement, financing, and the link to monetary policy
  • The implications of intangible capital for labor, skills, and inequality
  • Market power and superstar firms
  • Innovation, technology adoption, technology diffusion, and productivity

Workshop organizers

Workshop program

Speakers appear in the order in which they presented during the workshop.