Fixed-term Contracts and Unemployment: an Efficiency Wage Analysis

  • Authors: Maia Güell.
  • BSE Working Paper: 18 | September 15
  • Keywords: unemployment , Fixed-term and permanent contracts , renewal rate , efficiency wage
  • JEL codes: J41, J42, J63
  • unemployment
  • Fixed-term and permanent contracts
  • renewal rate
  • efficiency wage
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I analyze the effects of introducing fixed-term contracts, leaving existing labor market regulations unchanged, on unemployment and labor market segmentation. I use an efficiency wage model in which the firm’s choice of contracts and the renewal rate of fixed-term contracts into permanent ones are endogenous. The renewal rate of fixed-term contracts is lower the higher the firing costs of permanent contracts are. Introducing fixed-term contracts can imply higher unemployment even in a world where reducing firing costs would reduce it. Moreover, when the two-tier system does not generate higher employment compared to the system with only permanent contracts, the segmentation of the labor market is socially too large.

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