Refugee wellbeing

In April 2022, following the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, members of the World Wellbeing Panel were asked for their views on two statements relating to the welfare of refugees coming from war-torn countries. 

The two statements were as follows:

Statement 1: “Families forced to flee war zones who end up making a new life in other countries on average succeed in the sense that their long-run wellbeing is similar to other inhabitants of the countries in which they stay.”

Statement 2: “The wellbeing of refugees in long-term camps will not catch up with that of locals.”

Response options for each statement were: “completely agree”, “agree”, “neither agree nor disagree”, “disagree”, “completely disagree”.

A summary of several of the ideas arisen from the survey discussion is that, being in a refugee camp separated from the host society and unable to enjoy a normal life is a stressor that evidence suggests thwarts the healing, recovery and assimilation process of refugees. In turn, this stressor may hurt their chances for full development into the host society.


List of WWP respondents


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  5. van de Wiel, W., C. Castillo-Laborde, F. UrzÃ, M. Fish & W.F. Scholte, 2021. Mental health consequences of long-term stays in refugee camps: preliminary evidence from Moria. BMC Public Health: 21: 1290.
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