Erasmus School of Economics
PhD at Tilburg University
Mary Pieterse-Bloem is Professor of Financial Markets at the Erasmus School of Economics. A key aspect of her Chair is to bridge academic theory and industry practice through research and education that is relevant for the broader academic community, policy makers and market practitioners. Mary obtained her MSc in Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1993. She obtained program certificates from London Business School, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, INSEAD, Barcelona School of Economics and Oxford University. She obtained her PhD at Tilburg University in 2011 when she was also a visiting researcher at the IMF in Washington and the ECB in Frankfurt on the topic of international financial integration. Besides this field, her other research interests are in the fields of sustainable investing, market liquidity and the impact of monetary policy on bond markets. She has published, among others, in the Journal of International Money and Finance, the International Review of Economics & Finance, the Journal of Empirical Finance and the Journal of Financial Markets. Mary combines her Chair with a senior position in the financial sector. She is currently the Chief Investment Officer at Rabobank. Previously in her working career she held senior positions at ABN Amro Private Bank, All Pensions Group AM and Nationale Nederlanden Investment Partners in the Netherlands, and at Lehman Brothers, Dresdner KW and BNP Paribas in London.