
portrait of Robert Lucas

The Barcelona School of Economics community mourns the loss of Robert E. Lucas, long-time member of the BSE Scientific Council and one of the world's most distinguished economists.

Professor Lucas made many significant contributions to economic thought during his career, but it was his ground-breaking work on rational expectations in macroeconomics that garnered him the 1995 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. He continued to produce important and influential work long after winning the Nobel.

"Elegant, clear, and deep" are the words that BSE Scientific Council Chair Matthew O. Jackson used to characterize Lucas and his work. "What a wonderful man and economist. We were collectively so lucky to have known and learned from him," Jackson said.

Professor Andreu Mas-Colell (UPF and BSE) expressed his respect for Professor Lucas not only as an academic but also as a friend to the community of economists in Barcelona. "Bob was a great economist with a remarkable intellect and a knack for elegant and sharp writing. He was an esteemed friend of the Barcelona Economics community, towards which he was most generous, and he will be missed."

BSE was fortunate to welcome Professor Lucas to Barcelona on several occasions. In addition to participating in BSE Scientific Council meetings, Lucas was a panelist on three Scientific Council roundtables and delivered the 34th BSE Lecture, to name just a few of the times he shared his knowledge and perspective with the BSE community.

We are so grateful to Bob for his wisdom, kindness, and enthusiastic involvement in BSE activities over the years. He helped shape our vision for the Barcelona School of Economics and will continue to inspire us for many years to come.

Robert Lucas listens to a question from BSE Master's student Evan Seyfried '16 (Read Seyfried's recap of the BSE Lecture by Professor Lucas)

Read the Nobel Prize Lecture, "Monetary Neutrality" by Robert Lucas (1995)

About the Barcelona School of Economics Scientific Council


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