The BSE Summer Forum Workshop on Sustained Economic Growth will be held in Barcelona from June 16-17, 2022.
We are regularly checking safety regulations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. If an in-person event is not possible, this workshop will be held online.
In recent years an exciting economic literature has emerged that seeks to understand disparities in economic development across countries by going far back in history. Distant historical events can often be linked to long-lasting effects on institutions, culture, human capital and technology; in turn, these changes influence living conditions today. The purpose of this workshop is to share and discuss the most recent and innovative developments in this literature.
The proposed workshop is a continuation of six previous successful editions organized every year starting from 2012 by Joachim Voth, Omar Licandro, Luigi Pascali, Stelios Michalopoulos, Felipe Valencia, and others.
Speakers appear in the order in which they presented during the workshop.