A Characterization of Single-Peaked Preferences

  • Authors: Guillaume Haeringer and Miguel Ángel Ballester.
  • BSE Working Paper: 273 | September 15
  • Keywords: Single-peaked preferences , lineal order
  • JEL codes: D71, C78
  • Single-peaked preferences
  • lineal order
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We identify in this paper two conditions that characterize the domain of single-peaked preferences on the line in the following sense: a preference profile satisfies these two properties if and only if there exists a linear order L over the set of alternatives such that these preferences are single-peaked with respect L. The first property states that for any subset of alternatives the set of alternatives considered as the worst by all agents cannot contains more than 2 elements. The second property states that two agents cannot disagree on the relative ranking of two alternatives with respect to a third alternative but agree on the (relative) ranking of a fourth one.

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