
2nd place

This November, 20 teams of financial data scientists competed in the second Novartis Datathon Challenge in Barcelona. Among the participants were alumni of the BSE Master's in Data Science. Teams that included BSE Alumni finished in 2nd and 6th place.

"Our goal for this competition was to build a model of forecasting the financial dataset and clustering of the time series to generate valuable insight into the business," explained Maryam Rahbaralam '19. She and fellow alum Hamed Mirsadeghi '18 were on the team that finished sixth. Both are currently data scientists at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

The team that took second place included alumni Leonardo Alcivar '19 and Kaka Ye '19. Leonardo is a Game Data Scientist at SocialPoint and Kaka is a statistical forecaster at Sonofi.

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