

Here's a recap of the community activities organized by the BSE and alumni community during September and October 2019:

The main event this fall was the Global Alumni Meeting held in Barcelona. Over 100 alumni participated in academic, professional, sports, and social activities. Current students joined in for a networking cocktail as well. The event raised 2715€ for the Alumni & Friends Merit Award. Check out our full report!

Social events and chapter activities

  • Brussels meet-up
  • Buenos Aires meet-up
  • Colleserola hike for students and alumni in Barcelona
  • Lima: Dinner with Prof. Xavier Freixas
  • London get-together with 19 alumni attending!
  • Madrid meet-up
  • Nairobi: first official get-together!
  • Paris: Autumn Apero

Academic and professional activities

Alumni giving back

  • Alumni in consulting sector participated in Consulting Day
  • 6 alumni participated in Finance Day panel
  • 5 alumni participated in International Organizations Day panel
  • Alumni & Friends Merit Award scholarship fund has raised over 6k euros toward a scholarship for an incoming BSE Master's student. Donate now to help us meet our goal of awarding one full scholarship!

See all upcoming events

Other recent updates

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BSE Focus

Flip Klijn wins 2024 SEIO-BBVA Foundation Award

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BBVA Foundation

Forthcoming publications by BSE Affiliated Professors

See a list of forthcoming publications by BSE Affiliated Professors and search papers already published

BSE Research
portrait of Robin Hogarth

In memoriam: Robin Hogarth (1942-2024)

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