
Alumni in Peru

Here's a recap of the community activities organized by the BSE and alumni community during November:

Botifarrada in Barcelona | Nov 14

More than 200 students, alumni, and staff enjoyed this annual cookout at Ciutadella Campus!
5th alumni after-office in Lima | Nov 15
First meet-up in Montreal | Nov 15

Super meeting in Montreal at La Distilerie, a lot of networking, economics talking and a bit review of our past life. — Joan Rubió, BSE Alumni Director
Autumn after-work in Berlin | Nov 16

Once again we had an interesting BSE alumni meeting in Berlin with inspiring discussions. To be continued  — Mario Schaefer (MESI '10), Alumni Regional Ambassador
Brussels networking dinner | Nov 27

With BSE Alumni Officer Frederic Vandyck
London Winter Social | Nov 30

This time more than 30 people showed up! A good mix of cohorts from 2012 to 2018. Best wishes to everyone for the new year! Looking forward to the next event. — Daniel Díez Alonso (EPP '14), Alumni Regional Ambassador

Upcoming BSE community events

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