
group photo

Here's a recap of the community activities organized by the BSE and alumni community during April:

Second annual calçotada and winery tour | Apr 7

See photos from the calçotada!
Alumni get-together in Rome | Apr 9
Alumni in Mexico City | Apr 10
Alumni afterwork in Berlin | Apr 11
First meet-up in Luxembourg | Apr 25

Upcoming BSE community events

  • May 8: Fideuà in Barcelona
  • May 13: Alumni get-together in Kigali, Rwanda
  • May 14: Alumni / Career Services networking in Lima
  • May 16: Alumni / Career Services networking in Bogotà
  • May 16: BSE Lecture
  • May 23: Alumni get-together in Madrid

Other recent updates

academic careers

2024 PhD job market results in the BSE research community

Congratulations to the new PhDs from the doctoral programs at UAB and UPF on their success in the 2024 job market!...

BSE Focus

Flip Klijn wins 2024 SEIO-BBVA Foundation Award

Barcelona School of Economics Research Professor Flip Klijn (IAE-CSIC and BSE) and his co-authors Péter Biró, Xenia Klimentova, and...

BBVA Foundation

Forthcoming publications by BSE Affiliated Professors

See a list of forthcoming publications by BSE Affiliated Professors and search papers already published

BSE Research
portrait of Robin Hogarth

In memoriam: Robin Hogarth (1942-2024)

Barcelona School of Economics Emeritus Research Professor Robin Hogarth (ICREA-UPF and BSE) has passed away at the age of 81....